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Showing posts from June, 2011

June Bug

My little June Bug has been so much fun.  With the weather improving, so has her mood :) Since Canada Post has been on strike I'm not able to mail out little picture fridge updates for those on my list...particularly those out of country. There are so many people who treat Nola like gold from afar.  I want them to have a chance to see her grow and change too. This is for the Germans and Americans we just don't see enough! ♥ And a video to finish it off.  I never realized how much they enjoy each other until I made this compilation! ♥

my eyes don't feel the same

Funny thing happened to me today.  Well, I guess it started yesterday and I just didn't know it. My right eye was spasming all day yesterday.  The eye lid and below the eye were going crazy.  I didn't think too much of it other than how strange it was.  I knew my right eye felt a little different but didn't know why. Anyway, this morning I wake up and blink a couple times.  They don't feel the same.  Hmmm.  Why is this?  I looked normal in the mirror and Kevin didn't notice anything.  We carried on with the day. Kevin had a Father's Day cup of coffee and enjoyed playing with a remote control car Nola wanted him to have ;)  We relaxed around the house until it was time to get ready and go over to Opa and Oma's.  We went out for lunch with them and my parents to Glenn's.  This is when I noticed a real difference.  I tried to eat a hamburger and it proved a little more difficult than I thought.  My mouth was n...

The Rocking Duck & More

I realize the quality is shoddy; they were taken from Kevin's cell phone. I promise the next ones will be from the video camera. :) This is from April. This is from May. And today.

Family Roadtrip to see the Seattle Grandpaw

On June 2 Kevin and I loaded up the Flex with suitcases, the stoller, the playpen, the cooler, the blankie and beloved "Kitty" (Nola's prized stuffed cat) to make our 3rd annual trip to Seattle. Sarge went to spend time on our friends acreage while we were gone for the week.  They have chickens, and I was relieved to hear he left them completely alone.  He also did well with his stitches, since he was still recovering from his surgery.  (Thanks Shannon :) We knew we wouldn't do the trip in one day.  We decided to go as far as 3 Valley Gap the first day, and make the rest of it the next.  The weather was beautiful and Nola did alright...not great, but alright.  I mean, she's 16 months old.  How did we think she was going to do?  2 hours seemed to be her limit and then she'd let us know to pull over promptly so she could run away from us. *sigh* We made it to Seattle Friday evening just in time for supper.  We checked in to the Best Weste...