There was no possible way I was not going to blog about THIS. I thought most/all of my parent friends would find this quite interesting... We have a rear facing carseat. This particular carseat is the biggest one you could buy at the time, rated for 5-35 lbs. We used it for Nola and are using it for Heidi. It's a great carseat, pretty typical. It is green and brown, wipes clean easily, standard 5 point harness. Before leaving the Stollery, it was necessary for Heidi to pass the Carseat Study. This meant she had to be in the carseat for 90 minutes with all of her vitals in tact. So, her heart rate couldn't drop, her oxygen had to remain good, and her breathing be steady. She passed without a problem. Then the nurses started talking among themselves and our nurse came to us asking what our car seat was rated for... Well Heidi was definitely not 5 lbs yet. So the option was to rent a car bed. That was what was going to ge...