Dear Friends and Family, this month seems to have sped by like the dickens! My life has certainly picked up pace and we are busy even when we aren't busy! But I'm NEVER too busy for YOU!! So, call me when you can, or message me or send me a thought in the wind... I'll do the same ;) Nola is potty trained!! Can you believe that! What success she has had. I was putting it off because my lazy meter was off the charts. I knew it was time, however, when she would recently look at Kevin or I and tell us that she just peed... So, after seeing a post by one of my friends, Tracey, on Facebook about 3 day potty training, I read the short book and set the date. I picked the long weekend, and began Sunday morning, and would carry through Monday and Tuesday also. Let me tell you, I believe she was trained about half way through the first day! The first time she began to release, I ran her to the potty and she dribbled a ...