Just when you think you know someone, you get a call from the RCMP asking you questions. My dear friend Angie has been in the ongoing process of applying for the RCMP over the last 12 months. Although it is a long and grueling process, I'm happy that 1. The process is this intense! and 2. My friend is in the final stages of acceptance! She has gone through rigorous physical tests, CRAZY psychological tests, interviews and exams. She texted me a few days ago and told me they started phoning her references--nearly the LAST step of the process! Seriously, within about a half hour my phone rang. On the other end was this pleasant sounding woman who asked if I had a minute to speak about Angie MacDonald. Excited for her, I promptly said yes and motioned for Kevin to deal with the girls! I locked myself in my bedroom for effective listening and she began asking. You think you know someone pretty good, that you're "close" until the questions start. ...