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Showing posts from May, 2011

A Real Scare & A Good Day

REAL SCARE Last Friday it started.  Sarge became quite sick.  He obviously wasn't feeling himself and was lethargic and mopey.  Oh yeah, and that morning I woke up to multiple piles of concentrated evil all over the house.  Thank God for laminate. This went on Saturday and Sunday too.  Kevin was out of town and it was just Nola and I to (wo)man the fort.  Sarge was progressively getting worse and by Monday morning he hadn't eaten or drank anything.  Worry really set in.  I made the decision to take Sarge to the Animal Emergency Services, cringing because it was holiday Monday...$$$.  Oh well, Sargie was sick. We were seen by a fantastic veterinarian, who felt something in his stomach.  At first he thought it was a rock.  Blood work indicated it may be a tumor; didn't know if it was cancer or not.  Regardless, it sent us into a tail spin or questions and tears and phone calls.  Kevin came home as fast as he could, gl...

Hard to say/show thank-you

It never ceases to amaze (and hurt) me just how difficult it is for people to say "thank-you". I realize it is the Age of Entitlement and everyday etiquette/courtesies are nearly unheard of, but I for one am getting sick of it.  And if you're close to me, you know I've been getting sick of it for quite some time! I have an uncanny ability to remember people's birthdays.  I don't find it hard to write it on the calendar I look at all the time.  I don't find it hard to snag a card while I'm on one of my quick shopping tours.  It's even easier to stick a stamp on it considering I keep a roll in the drawer, and there is a mail box on nearly every corner. I work hard to remember everyone with a Christmas card.  I don't find it too much to sit down for one hour and sign a bunch of cards with a little good will showing the people in my life that I think they're important and I wish the best for them. Funny enough, it doesn't come back...

Mother's Day

I know this is 2 days late...but that's OK.  Pretty sure no one was anxiously waiting my blog regarding Mother's Day! I had a nice day and hope all Mother's did.  Kevin and Nola gave me some thoughtful gifts--like a nap!  It was relaxing and low key; exactly what I wanted.  Later in the evening, I traveled to Calgary Airport with my Mother to collect my Great Aunt Hedwig and her man Lutz who flew in from Germany.  Hedwig is Oma's older sister and they are visiting for 2 weeks. I wanted to share the pictures of the women who have contributed to my existence...and more Nola ;) Marie Friedl from Czechoslovakia (Oma's Mother) Hermine Draexler (Oma) Monika Schmidt (Mother) My Mother's Day "The Mother" The Most Important Person...on Earth is a Mother.  She cannot claim the honour of having built Notre Dame Cathedral.  She need not.  She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral--a dwelling for an Immortal Soul, the tiny perfectio...

Dancing Queen

Although she seems unhappy and like she's about to cry...she's not and  really loves to dance!  It's been awesome to watch her dancing evolve to include her arms and now hips! ♥

ride 'em doggie

Kevin and I both often shake our head and wonder how we ended up with such a good dog. Let's see...  Kevin and I met in the fall of 2005.  In July 2006 we got Dewey (who went back to live with dear friend Shannon upon Nola's arrival, and met an untimely fate).  In April 2007 we got Sergeant. We'd been looking for a few months because we knew we were in the market for a dog.  We ruled out a puppy.  We wanted to bypass peeing in the house and chewing on everything; besides, so many dogs need homes.  Night after night, Kevin would scour SPCA websites in the area.  So many looked like they'd be a good fit in our home, but Kevin was never sold on one.  I would have taken any of them right away, but he was being picky! From February to April of 2007 I was in my final practicum of the Education program.  I was doing a Grade 5 Science project and needed pearl barley for a sieve activity.  I stopped by the local Save On Foods, which I ...