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A Real Scare & A Good Day


Last Friday it started.  Sarge became quite sick.  He obviously wasn't feeling himself and was lethargic and mopey.  Oh yeah, and that morning I woke up to multiple piles of concentrated evil all over the house.  Thank God for laminate.

This went on Saturday and Sunday too.  Kevin was out of town and it was just Nola and I to (wo)man the fort.  Sarge was progressively getting worse and by Monday morning he hadn't eaten or drank anything.  Worry really set in.  I made the decision to take Sarge to the Animal Emergency Services, cringing because it was holiday Monday...$$$.  Oh well, Sargie was sick.

We were seen by a fantastic veterinarian, who felt something in his stomach.  At first he thought it was a rock.  Blood work indicated it may be a tumor; didn't know if it was cancer or not.  Regardless, it sent us into a tail spin or questions and tears and phone calls.  Kevin came home as fast as he could, glad he could get relief quickly to enable him to come home.

Sarge had to have surgery and low and behold it was a bone.  A small knobby bone...  No cancer, he's fine.

About 2 weeks ago I took Sarge for his yearly checkup.  Our regular vet looked him over, updated his shots and told us to consider getting his teeth cleaned because he's not a chewer and they're getting dirty and he's getting old and it's...$450.  Kevin and I started talking about how we've never found anything he really like to chew.  I suggested going to the local pet food place and buying a natural bone for him to try.  A week ago Monday Kevin went and purchased a lamb bone for $3.40.  He brought it home and guess what?  Sarge LOVED it!  Devoured it.  4 days later...sick dog.

After a $1550.76 vet bill we were told to NEVER give our dog bones of any kind.  They are not meant to handle digesting bones and he's pulled bones out of esophagus's, intestines, stomachs and anal cavities...  Kind of an expensive lesson because we were reluctant to pay $450 for a teeth cleaning...

Live and learn?  Now we have our pooch back and he's sore and sleepy but happy and healthy.


Today Nola and I travelled to Sherwood Park.  Kevin's Aunt Linda is from Kansas (originally from Barrhead) and is up spending time with her Mother and sister.  Kevin couldn't join us but I decided to make the short trek up to visit her and have her meet my little monster :)

Ok, you know I love Nola with ALL my heart, but really?  All the tantrums and crazy whineyness are a little much for a 16 month old...ugh, I'm not sure I'm ready for what I'm in for :S

Anyway, we had a great visit as Linda is AMAZINGLY friendly and sweet and kind and funny and understanding.  She was also very patient with Miss Tornado.  It was good to get out of the house and have a hearty chat with a member of the Stogsdill Clan.  It's nice to catch up on all the chitty chat chat and ideas and thoughts and opinions of another family member.  Wish she lived closer--and the Unk Skip too.  I'm lucky to have become their family. ♥


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