Can you believe that? 34 weeks. I'm going through this little bout of sadness that it's so close to coming to an end. Just like with Nola, I love(d) being pregnant. Although this one has been stressful, I look back and realize it has been a completely normal and wonderful pregnancy anyway. The doctor even pointed out a visit or two ago that it doesn't even seem like LG is affected by the heart block... I'm sure all women go through this however little or big... Is this my last child? Is this the last time I'll have the pleasure of feeling a human being move inside of me? Is this the last time I can gorge on crap and it isn't noticed on my waste line? Nola has been growing so fast... I want it to slow down... Yes yes, like every other mother reading this. So then, you know where I'm coming from. I think the reality that it's coming to an end is also solidified by the need to start preparing for relocation. ...