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Showing posts from 2011

Calgary Visit @ 25 weeks

The last two days have seemed so busy there has been NO time to update the blog! Nola in the waiting room. Doesn't matter, it's going to be short and sweet because of the consistently good news we are receiving. Nola and Daddy. The appointment was for 8 o'clock in the morning, which is good and bad.  We're the first ones in, so we'll be done in reasonable time.  But it's stinking early.  Especially to drag little girl out of her slumber and stick her in a car seat! The appointment was great!  Quick ultrasound and the heart rate clear at 60.  I feel great, my meds are working properly and the baby's growth is bang on.  Awesome! In the ultrasound room. After we were done we'd planned to go to IKEA.  It was the day to buy Nola her big girl bed!!  Kevin and I wanted to buy ourselves some stuff and we were prepared to make a big haul!  We bought ourselves a bedroom suite; headboard, footboard, MATCHING night stands, new lamps and a d...

Calgary Visit @ 24 weeks

24 weeks Our morning started a little earlier than the others.  The doctor asked me to be at the clinic between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. so we dropped Nola off at day home around 7:45.  Yawn!  We were a little concerned of the roads because over coffee we heard the radio talk about all the black ice and cars in the ditch...  But the trip has to be made and it's nothing my husband can't handle :) Off we went, and we made good time.  I think we counted 2 or 3 drivers in the ditch but that was it and we sailed smoothly on to Calgary actually getting there about 9:30.  It was looking good for a quick and easy day. Kevin dropped me off at the front doors and I went in to the appointment.  He was going across the street to fill up on washer fluid, grab a coffee and join me after.  I wasn't sure if I'd have to wait long since they did double book to see me and sometimes that creates problems, but the wonderful nurse put me in to a room right away and g...

Calgary Visit @ 23 weeks

First appointment was at 10:30 this morning, which is a nice enough time to get up regularly in the morning, have Nola to day home and get down just slightly after rush hour. The wonderful Dr. Fruitman was first of the two appointments.  Familiarity is kicking in and Kevin and I have all the parking lots scoped out and priced as well as the shortest ways through the winding corridors and passage ways. We got in reasonably on time (which isn't a common occurrence) and went to see the Perinatology nurse.  She asks me all the questions she should already have the answers to, like what meds I'm on and doses and my medical history...frustrating.  I wonder how many times and to how many doctors I've had to repeat this to??  Then she takes my blood pressure.  100/50, I'm sure about the same rate as Mary Poppins, it's always practically perfect. Back to the waiting room and a few minutes later a very nice young lady sonographer calls my name and leads us back...

Calgary Visit @ 22 weeks

This has definitely been a test for me.  It's a test in patience, calm and undeniable reality that some things are simply not in my control. Today had reasonably good news.  I'll start from the beginning as to not miss a beat. I dropped Nola off at day home around 9, printed off my Christmas letters at Staples and met Kevin back at home for our 10:30 planned departure to Calgary.  The roads were fair and clear so it was smooth sailing all the way. I had intentions of getting there about one hour before my first scheduled appointment as I needed to get blood work done.  There is a little lab on the main floor of the North Tower of the Foothills and my doctor was quite explicit last week that is must be done in Calgary. I took a number and waited.  When it was called, I obediently marched up to the counter and handed her my three requisitions and health card.  Then she proceeded to explain I needed to give a urine sample.  Oops, I had just gone ...

I expect the best.

This is a blog I’m unsure of how to begin.   It certainly isn’t good news…   But its news I want to share with my you.   I want to share the news because I realize we need support and as many good thoughts and prayers as everyone can muster, and because I really don’t want to be stuck explaining it over and over again.   I don’t want to start speaking to someone as though they know and realize they don’t, etc.. The 17 th of November was one of the most anticipated days of my life!   We were going in for the 19 week ultrasound with high hopes of finding out the gender of our second child.   Kevin and I were both excited and he took the day off to ensure his presence.   Everything was normal.   They wanted to do all the measurements and details to check the baby’s health and well-being before anything else.   At the end, he went to get Kevin and I told the tech we really wanted to know the gender.   He plainly told me it probably woul...

Done With the Judgement.

I’m sure we were all in that position.   That time before children, when we’d look at others and pass judgement about the way they were parenting or about their child’s behaviour. I’m done.   It’s over.   I’m totally finished. Not that Nola has been a trying child.   She’s actually been quite good.   She didn’t have colic; she’s always been a pretty good sleeper, good eater, fun and easy going. Yes, she has been fussy and sick and trantrum-y too.   Now we’re struggling with an upset in sleep pattern.   This is exhausting because it’s so out of the norm.   She was so easy to put down or leave with others.   Now she needs to be touching me in some way for most of the day.   I may not leave the room without her and my hips are taking a beating because of how much she all of a sudden needs to be held.   At bed time I feel like I’m a prisoner in her room.   She won’t let me leave so long as she’s awake… Why?   Dunno. ...

Life is so normal...

Although I’m certain I’ve lost the interest of my infrequent blog checkers, I’ll throw another one onto the interweb for the heck of it. I haven’t blogged in quite some time.   I suppose this pregnancy and Nola have taken priority.   When I say “the pregnancy has taken priority” I really mean sleep.   I’ve been exhausted.   The first trimester bogged me now with fatigue constantly, and now I’m hit with that mid-afternoon Blah.   I have a lot of pregnancy insomnia, which leaves me awake at all hours of the night.   It’s convenient to lay down for a nap in the afternoon when the Miss needs her nap; she religiously takes this from 1-3…thank God. In preparation for our upcoming move, my wonderfully fantastic husband has been working hard to pack up much of the house.   I won’t lie, I’ve done very little to help…I’m usually sleeping.   But he has most of the basement packed up in neat little piles of boxes.   It’s pretty amazing how much stuff ...


I ' M P R E G N A N T !   We’re adding to the Macleod Family!   We are SO happy! Nola is going to be a big sister and we’re expecting the new arrival around the first week of April.   Although it’s great news for everyone in the family, it is exceptionally exciting for Grandpa Macleod and Auntie Charissa, as their birthdays are April 7 th and  8 th !   Much like his/her sister, though, I’m sure this baby will come WHENEVER they choose…just like all other babies! This ultrasound picture is from some time ago now, so you can imagine how much the baby has already grown.  I'm scheduled to get another routine ultrasound done October 3 and will post that picture.  You'll see more of a baby in the next one! I’m happy to report this pregnancy is going well.   I have had a bit of nausea but nothing crazy.   I’ve been unbearably tired; I think I could have slept all day and night!   That phase seems to be passing as I enter the ...

Big Girl Bed

It feels like forever since I blogged last!   I’m sure nobody has been anxiously checking it to see what has been happening in the small Macleod world, but all the same I figured it was time again. I can’t even say too much has been new!   I blogged about Shauna’s wedding, which was spectacular.   Since then we’ve really been in to the gear down of summer and subdued gearing up for fall. We decided to take no holidays during the months of July and August because the mucky-mucks in Kevin’s work predicted they were going to be insanely busy!   … Um … nope.   Kevin’s been home quite a bit, which is super fantastic for little Missy and myself, but not so awesome for the pocketbook.   Then, on August 25 Kevin was scheduled for a little bit of a toe surgery.   Neither of us thought it was a big deal.   He’d been having a reoccurring cyst on his big toe on his right foot since our honeymoon three years ago.   It comes and it goes, but when it...

Blushing Bride

Kevin and I had a fantastic weekend in Calgary!  We had the pleasure of attending my beautiful cousin's wedding to her Fireman husband :) Shauna and Paul have been together for over 4 years, so he's had ample opportunity to know what he was in for.  They make an absolutely stunning couple who are some of the funnest people to be around--not to mention all their friends and family! Now they decided to have an adult event, giving us the opportunity to have some time away from little-stinker-butt-beauty-queen-tantrum-thrower-silly-pants-boo.  Lucky for us we have an amazing S.I.L. who warmly and excitedly welcomed her for her very first sleep over!  Of course my brother and all six of her cousins were happy about this too ;) Kevin and I met Auntie Charissa and Cousin Raegyn in Blackfalds to make the transaction.  After that, we dropped Sir Sarge at the kennel and came back home to get ready.  Got all pretty and handsome and set out on the open road to g...

Family Pictures

Just last week we decided it was high time to get some current family photos done.  I realized we were lacking in pictures of all three of us when I was working on the collage for the O's apartment. Well, I called upon my super-awesome-good friend Jess to meet us at Bower Ponds to try and capture some pictures of us with our little hurricane.  Although she doesn't stay still for long, Jess did manage to snap a few great shots! :) I also want to share a few photos I snapped after we settled Opa and Oma in to their apartment.  With time, they will develop a new routine and I am certain they will become very comfortable here.  Lord knows Nola has already made herself comfortable on visits! I love them with all my heart, can't imagine life without them, don't know what I'd do without them.  Now I can worry (a little) less. The bedroom... The sitting/tv room... With a little kitchen for snacks and drinks.  They'll be eating meals in the di...