Although I’m certain I’ve lost the interest of my infrequent blog checkers, I’ll throw another one onto the interweb for the heck of it.
I haven’t blogged in quite some time. I suppose this pregnancy and Nola have taken priority. When I say “the pregnancy has taken priority” I really mean sleep. I’ve been exhausted. The first trimester bogged me now with fatigue constantly, and now I’m hit with that mid-afternoon Blah. I have a lot of pregnancy insomnia, which leaves me awake at all hours of the night. It’s convenient to lay down for a nap in the afternoon when the Miss needs her nap; she religiously takes this from 1-3…thank God.
In preparation for our upcoming move, my wonderfully fantastic husband has been working hard to pack up much of the house. I won’t lie, I’ve done very little to help…I’m usually sleeping. But he has most of the basement packed up in neat little piles of boxes. It’s pretty amazing how much stuff you have in your house that you don’t use. Kevin and I decided we’d pack up everything we don’t need or use, and it has basically turned out to be everything but the kitchen and bedrooms.
We’re definitely excited about the move. It will be a big change from North Red Deer to South, but certainly one we’re ready for. I think we’ve both caught ourselves thinking about the next house and daydreaming about where things will go, how things will be, and what entertaining friends and family will be like there.
I have been back in the classroom recently, but subbing has been very slow. On some days I’m grateful for that, other days I’m not. Today is a good example of glad to be at home as Nola has been struggling with a viral infection for a week and still hasn’t been able to totally shake it. Kevin hasn’t bothered going to the shop today because he has possibly been fighting the beginning of what’s she’s had. Luckily, super-pregnant immunity has fended everything off…for now!
Um, I guess I can’t think of anything too exciting to share with you… Life is so normal. Kevin and I work hard not to be too busy; we prefer that. I like having time in my day to write my letter to Grandpaw, or a postcard to Cousin Donna, call my friend or work on my homemade Christmas gifts. I hope others have the time to find the right priorities in their life too.
Moving day is November 25 and I have no doubt we’ll be ready and it’ll go smoothly.
This baby is growing steadily and wonderfully; it is a beautiful pregnancy remarkably similar to Nola. And I’ve lost 6 pounds…go figure?
Kevin’s work is steady and he’s excited about the hot tub at his new castle. When he’s home he spends his time doing puzzles with Nola and reading books with her.
Nola, aside from her illness, is a spitfire of joy. She’s hilarious and her most used word currently is “funny”. It’s awesome that my child knows what funny is. When Daddy is goofy she knows he’s being ‘funny’. When she’s chasing Sarge and he runs away, she knows it’s ‘funny’. It’s SO neat! She also throws her tantrums, refuses to eat what I give her and is addicted to tv. Oh, boy!
Wouldn’t change my life for anything in this world!
P/S...we hope to find out the gender of baby Macleod 2 on November 17...hopefully they'll be cooperative!!
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