This is a blog I’m unsure of how to begin. It certainly isn’t good news… But its news I want to share with my you. I want to share the news because I realize we need support and as many good thoughts and prayers as everyone can muster, and because I really don’t want to be stuck explaining it over and over again. I don’t want to start speaking to someone as though they know and realize they don’t, etc.. The 17 th of November was one of the most anticipated days of my life! We were going in for the 19 week ultrasound with high hopes of finding out the gender of our second child. Kevin and I were both excited and he took the day off to ensure his presence. Everything was normal. They wanted to do all the measurements and details to check the baby’s health and well-being before anything else. At the end, he went to get Kevin and I told the tech we really wanted to know the gender. He plainly told me it probably woul...