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A little of this

Once again, it has been far too long since I wrote last…  I hate to use that dreaded word, so I won’t… It’s not that I’ve been busy; I haven’t made this a priority!  Lol.

I’m sitting here trying to think of any breaking news I need to fill you in on and simply can’t come up with any.  Life hasn’t been overly exciting, but it has kept the standard pace of too fast.

So, instead of make this an overly long blog about all the boring little antics of our life, I’m going to simplify things and give the shortened version.

Kevin was able to take about 2 weeks off and aside from camping, we made specific time to clean things out, put up proper shelves and reorganize the garage and basement storage rooms.  Boy does that make things feel better!

We loaded up the motorhome a few different times now… We went in June to Gull Lake and Ole MacDonald Farm by Stettler, and recently we stayed at Crimson Lake.  Nola loves camping and fits right in with the dirty finger nails and scabbed knees.

Did I tell you I got a tattoo?  A really beautiful Alberta Wild Rose on the top of my left foot.  It hurt like a son of a gun but was worth it.

The girls are doing great and so is Kevin.  Do you remember me telling you about Body By Vi?  The protein shake we started on about 10 weeks ago or so?  Well, although I haven’t lost any weight Kevin is down nearly 20 pounds!  He looks and feels great.  I feel good, and we’re both eating way more fruit that we ever have before.

Nola is definitely gaining her ground in the attitude department, but also in the humour and smarts department.  She can count rather well; I’ve heard her go to 10.  She knows many colours and loves story time.  Nola is very affectionate and gives top notch squeezes to those she’s especially fond. 

Heidi is doing aces also.  She’s still my little pineapple (since Nola’s the ham…) but is very strong and has had her first go in the Jolly Jumper this month.  She’s also given her best efforts to rolling a little and will sometimes make it to one side or the other.  Tomorrow she’ll be 5 months old and I can’t believe I’ll be starting solids soon… This time can’t go by slow enough.

My folks have been away to Germany for the last three weeks enjoying themselves a little family and fun filled holiday.  They’ve needed it muchly as my mom has put in a lot of extra time caring for Oma and the Cappis drama persists for dad.  With mom gone, the girls and I have tried to get over a bit more often to give Oma company or assistance.  My cousin Stephanie has really stepped up in helping and caring for Oma also, and it’s fun to meet her for little dates at Oma’s here and there.  Nola is especially fond of Stephanie J

I’m keeping busy myself with play dates in particular.  We seem to always have something!  And now this coming week will be busy also with a doctor’s appointment, play dates and then Metallica on Friday… Who are they??  LOL, friends of ours had another couple back out and asked if we’d like to go… Uh, ok.  Kevin’s pretty happy.  I’m looking forward to a kid free night.

Oh, yes and thinking about the play dates.  We had a very exciting one a couple weeks ago.  Nola is fascinated with the bus and can’t help herself when we see one.  Our friend Marny brought her two beautiful boys over to accompany on the bus for the first time ever down to the library.  Exciting!  Nola loved it VERY much and I think we’ll schedule that into a regular regime.

I’ll leave the blog with a few pictures of my treasures.


Thanks for reading.


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