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Showing posts from April, 2011

Why Don't I Like To Read?

Today while I was subbing at the elementary school they had David Bouchard, a Metis author from Victoria, in as a guest speaker. He was a fascinating man who told interesting stories from the First Nations culture about animals and birds and people.  He was animated, knowledgeable and funny.  He had many different handcrafted wooden flutes which he played and sounded magical.  He read us a very touching story that he wrote about his father called "My Papa Lost His Lucky".  So nice. I was reminded of a time when I in grade 5 or so, and Martin Godfrey came to Entwistle School to speak.  I was captivated then too.  I even bought one of his books and waited in line for him to sign it.  I took it home and read it steadily.  I loved the book.  I also greatly enjoyed reading many books in The Babysitters Club series.  But that was about it. As an adult I do not enjoy reading.  I don't read for ple...

Family Family

Not going to litter this blog with a bunch of text.  I love some of the pictures I managed to capture today. Kevin and I had the pleasure of hosting an afternoon Easter gathering with my side of the family. Brother Jason and wife Charissa + children live in Clive, 30ish minutes away. Brother Mark came from Athabasca to join in the modest festivities, 3+ hours away.  (He came for the weekend.) Ma and Pa Cappis were down in these parts anyway but will travel back to Entwistle tomorrow, 2+ hours North. And Opa and Oma took part for a short while as well. I ♥ these 2. The nephews! Cody (HAPPY 15 BIRTHDAY!), Ryan & Nick. The nieces! Gabby, Raegyn & Cayleigh. Yikes, my brave sister-in-law Charissa. We have yet to figure out what is wrong with him... Uncle Mark giving his niece some loving. Just because I love this one.  Nola's new favourite thing is sticking out her tongue... And after all the cuddles and love...  A...

Early Easter

Today we got together with Kevin's family for an early Easter celebration because his dad is home from Fort McMurray this weekend and wouldn't be here next weekend.  We did a big ham and had the family over for an afternoon feast.  Sandy also celebrated his 66th birthday on April 7th, so we had cake and ice cream for dessert.  Yum! Aside from love from Grandma and Grandpa, Nola also got to play with her cousins and get some lovin' from her Auntie Trish, Great Uncle Bob and Aunt Bernadette!  Cousin Curtis was also able to make it! Nola before our company arrived... Our first guest...Grandpa! The whole crew minus Austin...I think he's you see a little face poking out behind Bernadette?  ♥ her. ♫ Happy Birthday Grandpa! ♪ Curtis, Blake, Trish and Austin. Blake and Grandma with his super cool singing chick! Curtis and Sharrell and Nola. Smiley Blake. Most amazing husband. Trish, Bob and Bernadette.  The only picture with me in it!  Chowing...

Bloody nose and cheese string.

Poor Nola has been stumbling a lot these days.   Yesterday afternoon she took a couple good spills, and at first I didn’t think much of it.   I just scooped her up and tried to comfort her while she cried…only to look at her face and see blood everywhere.   “Don’t panic” were the first words I could think of.   I grabbed a cold wash cloth and wiped her face.   Poor girl gave herself a bloody nose and her gums around her teeth were even bleeding.   Yikes.   So, today we have a nice little red-nose and this was the best picture I could get. I was also lucky enough to witness one of the weirdest/grossest/awkward things while subbing today.   I was covering for a few different teachers and went to my last placement of the morning.   The male teacher I was covering for was slurping a cheese string; it was hanging out of his mouth most of the time like a cow chewing cud…and then he started to give me instructions WHILE eating it with hi...

My Favourite Things

Today it happened.   I loved it.   Today was the first day this spring when I actually drank it in.   There is always that one day in the spring when I realize the weather has changed and everything is getting nicer.   The snow is melting, the days are longer, the sun is brighter, and the air is warmer. I worked today amongst 20 six year olds, and when the bell rang at 3:05 I picked up a few crayons, some scraps of paper, grabbed my coat and keys and headed for my car.   When I got outside something came over me.   You know that uncanny sense renewal, beginning, freshness, adventure?   It felt good.   It’s the time of year I like to turn up the radio and sing out loud.   Everything just feels better.   I drank it in.   I drank in the memories of my youth.   This is a time of year I’m also reminded of those feelings of childhood; break out the bike!   I remember that unbridled excitement of getting the hell out of school ...