Today while I was subbing at the elementary school they had David Bouchard, a Metis author from Victoria, in as a guest speaker. He was a fascinating man who told interesting stories from the First Nations culture about animals and birds and people. He was animated, knowledgeable and funny. He had many different handcrafted wooden flutes which he played and sounded magical. He read us a very touching story that he wrote about his father called "My Papa Lost His Lucky". So nice. I was reminded of a time when I in grade 5 or so, and Martin Godfrey came to Entwistle School to speak. I was captivated then too. I even bought one of his books and waited in line for him to sign it. I took it home and read it steadily. I loved the book. I also greatly enjoyed reading many books in The Babysitters Club series. But that was about it. As an adult I do not enjoy reading. I don't read for ple...