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Why Don't I Like To Read?

Today while I was subbing at the elementary school they had David Bouchard, a Metis author from Victoria, in as a guest speaker.

He was a fascinating man who told interesting stories from the First Nations culture about animals and birds and people.  He was animated, knowledgeable and funny.  He had many different handcrafted wooden flutes which he played and sounded magical.  He read us a very touching story that he wrote about his father called "My Papa Lost His Lucky".  So nice.

I was reminded of a time when I in grade 5 or so, and Martin Godfrey came to Entwistle School to speak.  I was captivated then too.  I even bought one of his books and waited in line for him to sign it.  I took it home and read it steadily.  I loved the book.  I also greatly enjoyed reading many books in The Babysitters Club series.  But that was about it.

As an adult I do not enjoy reading.  I don't read for pleasure.  I never sit down with a novel in hand and sink myself into a far away voyage or mystical adventure.  I don't even read self help books...blech.  I don't even want to read the directions on my editing program, or read a tutorial about digital scrap booking...

WHY??  And I became a teacher?

During college I poured myself over books to "get by".  Interestingly enough, when I was forced to read anything in college, I almost always LOVED what I read.  In high school I was forced to read Lord of the Flies--loved it.  The Wars--loved it.  In college: Huckleberry Finn, No Great Mischief, The Golden Compass, Little love love love.

But do I pick up anything because I choose to?  No, not even the paper.
I'm saddened by this and wonder why I don't love it; I wish I did.  My parents were and are big readers.

I suppose it's because I'm not a strong reader.  It takes me a long time to read, and not to mention the comprehension...sigh.  But I have enjoyed the absolute pleasure, satisfaction, in completing a good read and the reflection I've had afterward.  I don't understand why that didn't leave be begging for more?

Of course, now with Nola, I hope reading comes naturally and easily for her.  I want her to gravitate toward all sorts of literature and we've already started a sizable library for her.  And we'll read to her and do all sorts of things to harbour this love...  I realize reading creates smarter human beings, larger vocabulary, imagination, broader knowledge base, etc.  Even talking with a colleague today, she mentioned new studies show children need 10, 000 hours of reading behind them before they get to school...yes, before.

First, it will just be nice when she stops eating the books...

P/S...I have also realized in the last year or so, that although I don't read hard cover novels on the couch or in the bath, that doesn't mean I don't read ever.  I think it's important to recognize the Internet has definitely become a medium for reading.  I know Kevin and I both do a considerable amount of reading via Google....and it reminds me of the argument in a literature class in you let boys read comic books?  I mean, they are reading...right?  Don't worry, I still understand the kindle, e-reader and Google cannot and will not replace the good old fashioned book.  I just haven't figured out why I don't have that love for it...

October 2010


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