Poor Nola has been stumbling a lot these days. Yesterday afternoon she took a couple good spills, and at first I didn’t think much of it. I just scooped her up and tried to comfort her while she cried…only to look at her face and see blood everywhere. “Don’t panic” were the first words I could think of. I grabbed a cold wash cloth and wiped her face. Poor girl gave herself a bloody nose and her gums around her teeth were even bleeding. Yikes. So, today we have a nice little red-nose and this was the best picture I could get.
I was also lucky enough to witness one of the weirdest/grossest/awkward things while subbing today. I was covering for a few different teachers and went to my last placement of the morning. The male teacher I was covering for was slurping a cheese string; it was hanging out of his mouth most of the time like a cow chewing cud…and then he started to give me instructions WHILE eating it with his mouth gaping open. ~sigh~ Where did class and self pride go? Out the window I guess. And we wonder what's wrong with our youth? Ha!
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