Today it happened. I loved it. Today was the first day this spring when I actually drank it in. There is always that one day in the spring when I realize the weather has changed and everything is getting nicer. The snow is melting, the days are longer, the sun is brighter, and the air is warmer.
I worked today amongst 20 six year olds, and when the bell rang at I picked up a few crayons, some scraps of paper, grabbed my coat and keys and headed for my car. When I got outside something came over me. You know that uncanny sense renewal, beginning, freshness, adventure? It felt good. It’s the time of year I like to turn up the radio and sing out loud. Everything just feels better. I drank it in. I drank in the memories of my youth. This is a time of year I’m also reminded of those feelings of childhood; break out the bike! I remember that unbridled excitement of getting the hell out of school so I can be outside on the swing or playing catch on the street.
I guess my feeling is much harder to explain than I thought. Along with the warm sense of spring and exhilaration I’m flooded with the visions of growing up in a small Alberta village and the springs and summers spent there. You know how you don’t necessarily have full memories, but more blurbs and pictures in your thoughts? Rafting on the river, watching my brother run Buck-dog up and down the street while on his bike, seeing Mom work endlessly in the flower beds and garden, walking to Kirk’s for a Tahiti Treat, and playing ball. These are just a few of the split second visions I have when I take in a deep breath of spring. Yes! I remember. Hmm…
Obviously, Nola is my favourite person. One of my newest favourite things is her wearing sunglasses. SO cute! We’re ready to rock and roll this summer.
And of course, what would this spring be without a little ... spring?
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