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And The Beat Goes On

Even though Heidi has her pacemaker and is eating well and gaining weight, our journey certainly doesn't end.  I'm sure we have a lot to learn about the life of a "paced" child and the post utero part of the experience carried on today.

Our little family of four traveled to Calgary Children's Hospital today for a Pediatric Cardiologist appointment for Heidi.  They wanted to check her heart function to make sure everything is ticking properly.

Over the seat shot of Heidi.

Daddy and Nola.


The first thing for Heidi was an Echo Cardiogram.  Lucky for everyone, she was asleep for most of it while the wonderful lady used a tiny little probe to take ultrasound pictures of her insides.  That lasted for about 20 minutes.

The Echo Cardiogram.

After that was done, she needed to have an ECG done.  It was a 15 point lead, so she had to have 15 little stickies placed all over her body and hooked up to the machine.  It sounds kind of simple, but took a lot for little Miss to stop squirming enough to keep all the leads on for 12 seconds.

Note all the leads...and Nola's watching "Bimoo".

With the tests done we got Heidi's weight and length measurements.  She's a nice 5 pounds 5 ounces currently with a length of about 17 1/4 inches.  After that we went to a little room where we waited to see our FAVOURITE P.C. Dr. Fruitman.

First we had to see some residents, who were very nice but poked and prodded and listened on the tiny little body.  They asked a bunch of questions about my health and her health.  Quite frankly, at this point I'm VERY sick of repeating my medical history...blech!

Nola did very well with all the waiting.  She chatted and played with Daddy while we got everything done, but towards the end had her 2 year old melt down of wanting to go...and it was close to nap time.

Nonetheless, we got to talk with Dr. Fruitman and she was very pleased with the result of all our efforts!  She even snuggled Miss Heidi for a snapshot!  Dr. Fruitman has been positively amazing!  She has been the one, from the first Calgary appointment, to walk us down this crazy path to our beautiful little daughter safely.  We are very grateful for her!

Anyway, when we got out of the hospital we hit an A&W for lunch and then hit the road for home.  Poor Nola passed out super fast in the car, only to wake up about 40 minutes later crying :(  I think her neck was sore from bobbing around.

In the A&W parking lot :) Springtime in Alberta.

When we got home, we were joined shortly after by Omi and Grandpa for a quick visit.  After they left, Nola played in the fresh air on the deck with Daddy while he BBQ'd us up some supper.

Then our little family hung out for a bit.

Nola had her bath and cried her fake crocodile tears while I washed her hair.

Then after her bath while she was in her towel, I caught her before she started pooping!  We RAN to the potty, where she sat down and we read Green Eggs and Ham.  When Kevin and I told her to push like she was farting she broke down in to a 5 minute uncontrolled crying/hyperventilating fit...

We'll wait a bit longer for potty training.

Then we gave Heidi her FIRST bath!  Nola helped.

And Daddy blew up a bottle of breast milk in the microwave.

Nola fast asleep in bed after our day... I have the coolest kids. ♥

Just another day in paradise...

Thanks for reading :)


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