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It Is True

I've discovered it is true.  Life does get busier after baby number 2.  I thought I was going to bypass this because of my organization and such, but alas I was wrong.

I love to blog and find it very therapeutic.  In fact, I kept a regular journal from the time I was about 11 right up until about 17; I would write in it almost daily.

Life has been a whirlwind of awesomeness since little Heidi came home.  I feel like I'm only now finding some kind of normal.

Nola is being ridiculously cute daily and her little independent attitude is hilarious.  She's a lot of fun and hasn't found the tantrum dendrite yet, thankfully.  I know it will come but for now I will enjoy the way she says, "I o u Mummy" which directly translates into "I love you Mommy" or the unprompted peas and tank u.  It's especially heart warming when Heidi cries from her crib and Nola runs full out yelling, "I come Heidi!"  Awesome.

Over this last weekend we had a big family gathering at our house.  My Mom turns 60 tomorrow and we had all sorts of in laws and outlaws here to celebrate.  My brother Mark made it down from Athabasca and Jason was able to bring his entire crew.  It was a good time and had some good chin wagging with the relates and most of them hadn't met Heidi.

Right now Kevin is in Jasper for the week to take his yearly radiation course so I am on my own with the girls.  Luckily, my parents didn't go home until today, Suzanne will stay tomorrow night to help with the girls and then Sharrell will help on Thursday night.  Can you believe how lucky I am?

I have asked for more help because poor little peanut has been rather colicky and it has been absolutely exhausting to be up with her every two hours and/or half the night.  I took her to the pediatrician a few weeks ago and told him Heidi was experiencing what seemed to be painful cramps and tummy trouble.  She was pulling her knees up and flexing constantly, was difficult to burp and was vomiting from time to time.  He told me it was colic.  He gave me some formula that was supposed to help with intestinal inflammation, Nutramigen, and said "If you don't have a new baby in 4 days, it's colic."  Well, I didn't have a new baby in 4 days and she was still experiencing this terrible tummy trouble.  I started reading online and talking to people (everyone has their story) and tummy trouble meant colic, however, it usually came with crying too.  Heidi doesn't cry except for her bottle.

Anywho, I've been scratching my head as to how I might be able to make Heidi feel better.  Yesterday my Dad suggested goats milk as he remembers my Grandma using it for one of his little sisters.  I called my amazingly delightful cousin, Cherylynn, who runs a goat milking operation near Ponoka with her husband, to ask her some questions.  After speaking with her yesterday early evening, I had my parents pick me up some goats milk and Heidi has been drinking it since.

Remarkably, she does seem to have no trouble in her tummy and is farting and burping like a regular baby!  But boy did I panic at supper time!  Nola was outside playing (in her pajamas and crocs holding a soaking wet toy duck with Sergent following her), I was in the kitchen and Heidi was in her little chair on the kitchen table.  All of a sudden I heard her puking.  I ran over to her and cottage cheese started to just clump out of her mouth!  Holy Cow!!!  I turned her on her side and watched it come up in chunks!  It looked just like cottage cheese!  I was freaking out and didn't know what to do.  I called my Mom to tell her what happened and then Cherylynn.  My cousin just kind of giggled about it and said, yes it was normal.  If you have a pukey baby, which Heidi seems to be, it will look like that when it comes up.  That is how cheese was discovered after all...  The milk is basic and the stomach acidic...  CHEESE!  and gross!  Either way, Heidi seemed perfectly content anyway and went to sleep after she puked.  Cherylynn said it can also happen from the change in diet.  So, we're going to keep on the goat's milk and see what happens.  So far, she is very contented, no tummy trouble and seems very satisfied on the milk.  *Thumbs Up*

Other than that funny little episode, we carry on with the regular maintenance of life: laundry, cleaning, play dates and appointments.

Looking forward to Spring and the nicer weather that seems to be coming.  I have tulips blooming in the front yard and we will bring the motor home next weekend so we can get the rakes out and spruce up the lawn (much of the winter unnecessaries got stored in the motor home before the move).

Thanks for reading.


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